We are delighted to share Jamie Simpson’s approach to Crispy Carrot Soup. It’s great when chefs see the possibilities and keep raising the bar.
At the Culinary Vegetable Institute of The Chef’s Garden, Executive Chef Jamie Simpson creates beautiful and delicious dishes with farm fresh ingredients. Together with his team, they create the most flavorful dishes. They utilize not just the most nutritious, but also find sensuously enjoyable ways to present their culinary treasures. Admirable craftsmen indeed.
Crispy Carrot Soup – better Nutrition
When asked, Jamie pointed out a study he found by Ellen Hedrén at the department of food science in Sweden. It found that only 3% of the beta-carotene in raw carrots is released during digestion. This can be improved to 39% by grinding, steaming, frying, roasting, and adding fat.
What this is telling us that the “carrot shell” is actually absorbing the available nutrients of the carrot, we should cook carrots and definitely add fat. The dish is made with cooked baby round carrot soup, carrot butter, dried cobalt carrot peel, and paprika. “We freeze our soup and dip it in clarified carrot and paprika cocoa-butter strengthened with 5% of our refined bees wax. Let it gently thaw and the shell is stable at room temp. We serve it with the shovel to crack it and voila!”
Jamie used the custom Thumbelina Carrot Mold we had made for Iliana Regan (with her blessing) to make this Crispy Carrot Soup. We hope you enjoy and play with the concept. We can’t wait to enjoy what’s next on the menu…
Curious for more, welcome down the rabbit hole… Jamie Simpson & the Culinary Vegetable Institute on Heritage Radio Network. Well worth a listen.