Casting with Silicone Molds - Showpieces on the fly

Showpieces on the Fly- casting with silicone molds

Stéphane Tréand & Michael Joy
Pastry’s Best Magazine, February 2006

(In this article Chef Tréand will showcase his artistry, casting with silicone molds.)

When he saw Master Pastry Chef Stéphane Tréand, MOF had begun to use liquid silicone to draw on a silicone mat, Michael Joy knew he was onto something. Their collaboration combines Chef Tréand’s designs and Michael Joy’s mold making, the results are Showpeels™.

Showpeels are thin silicone sheets with pre-embossed patterns on one side. In about 15 minutes, you can cut out the pattern, dip it in hot Isomalt and peel back the silicone revealing an intricate pattern ready for use. At the time, Stéphane was the Executive Pastry Chef at the St. Regis Resort Monarch Beach in California knows how fast-paced professional kitchens. His idea is to create a time saving tool for the busy chef that would also be easy for a novice sugar artist to use with quick success.

Together with other molds these delicate design can add translucency and lightness that make your showpiece fly!

Click here to download a PDF copy (336 KB) of the entire article.
If you would like to purchase your own Showpeel or peruse our leaf mold selection please visit our online store.