The Chicago School of Mold Making plays host to the riveting, Emmy award-winning Chicago Restaurant Pastry Competition (CRPC) in which some of the top pastry chefs go head-to-head in multiple pastry challenges. Started in 2011 by Chefs Jimmy and Julie MacMillan, the event has grown every year. Starting with an all Chicago cast, the second season welcomed chefs from around the nation, and the third season went international.
The CRPC chefs are picked in a “blind” audition rated on presentation, composition, technique and recipe. It is only after the finalists are chosen that we discover who the chefs actually are. The competition is focused on not only great technique and flavor, but personal inspiration and unique concept. We are proud to present highlights of past competitions as well as the full online-series created by executive producers Jimmy and Julie MacMillan, creators of JMPurePastry.

Season 1- Chicago Restaurant Pastry Competition
With Pastry Chefs Meg Galus, Greg Mosko, Jove Hubbard, and Sarah Kosikowski.

Season 2 – Chicago Restaurant Pastry Competition
With Pastry Chefs Philip Speer, Melissa Coppel, Chris Ford, and Thomas Raquel.

Season 3 – Chicago Restaurant Pastry Competition
With Pastry Chefs Sean Pera, Michaela Hapak, Jim Hutchison, & Meg Galus.

Season 4 – Chicago Restaurant Pastry Competition
With Pastry Chefs: Deden Putra, Tyler Atwell, Evan Sheridan, and Kei Hasegawa
- Season 4 Trailer
- Episode 1: Meet the Freaks
- Episode 2: Mystery Casting Challenge
- Episode 3: Freaking Amazing...
- Episode 4: Coming Soon!